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Shelley Osman 
Authorised Level 2 Ashtanga Yoga

 KPJAYI, Mysore, India.

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Shelley Osman is a teacher who was Self taught for many, many years, because she fell in love with the Ashtanga Yoga method.  In her early twenties, she was asked to share this method with others and her wish was to share it in the most sacred way, doing her best to keep the integrity and purity of this practice.  Shelley was the founder and main teacher for many years of a traditional yoga shala, called; 'Ashtanga Yoga Essex'. Shelley Osman has taught Yoga for more than 3 decades, (still teaching yoga today) as a way of introducing people to Spirituality, to quieten the mind and as a way to invite them to look more deeply in to the true nature of all things. Shelley Osman taught 6 days a week, from her youth, during motherhood and being a wife, she devotedly practised 6 days per week. Shelley feels blessed to have been able to share this beautiful practice for so long with so many beautiful people.

About Shelley

Shelley Osman teaches traditional Ashtanga Yoga and is one of a handful of yoga teachers across the world that has been given authorisation Level 2 to teach Ashtanga Yoga method from KPJAYI, Mysore, India.

This is the only true validation given to teach this method.

Primary Series
Full Ashtanga Primary Series MP4
Full Ashtanga Primary Series with Intro
Watch Trailer
Buy £10

MP4 video download to keep forever.
1 hour 29 minutes in length

Price £10.00

If you wish to purchase this download please do so via your desktop

Guided Ashtanga Yoga
Primary Series  

The full guided primary series, with introduction advice, the opening and closing mantras, some of Shelley Osman's past Shala footage and voice over notes at the end. If you are a beginner and you want to learn Ashtanga we suggest that you buy the guidance, advice and adjustments download and watch that thoroughly before you download and practice the full primary series. If you are a complete beginner and you are going to buy the full primary series you watch the full primary series once all the way through and listen to the intro and only practice the sun salutations for a couple of months before you go any further.

MP4 video download to keep forever.
54 minutes in length

Price £7.00

If you wish to purchase this download please do so via your desktop

Guidance, Advice and Adjustments

A guide on 'how to do postures carefully', Shelley offers valuable advice on how to execute postures safely and in here she offers alternative ways to practice the postures as you progress. This is a very useful and important recording for all ashtanga yoga practitioners to have as part of their learning journey. Ashtanga Yoga is a dynamic and graceful practice, beautifully synchronising breath and movement. It follows a therapeutic and progressive sequence of postures. Whilst it is energetic, it is truly a flowing meditation. Asanas (postures) give the body strength, flexibility and purify the system, all the postures have been designed in a particular set order, so in time we may feel a sense of balance and harmony. The Primary Series, Yoga Chikitsa means Yoga Therapy, intending to re-align the body. This practice is uplifting and freeing, thoughts slow down, mind becomes calmer and one's attention is brought to the present moment.​ Note: There is a video that has a beginners advice section to guide the beginner on the journey of Ashtanga Yoga, however, these videos are not a substitute for a qualified Ashtanga Yoga teacher. It is only to be used as a reference to support your existing practice. Only use the Primary series as your practice reference, the demo is just for viewing and inspirational purposes only.

Guidance, Advice & Adjustments
Watch Trailer
Buy £7
Gudance Ashtanga MP4



“I practised the asana (postures) with video yesterday and it's wonderful. I had been taught part of the Ashtanga Yoga by Shelley Osman over a three year period until she moved to Cumbria. Working through the Primary series with Shelley's guidance on the video felt like she is right here in my room beside me. All that is missing is her gentle hands assisting me in some postures. thank you Shelley for creating this, it's perfect inspiration to setting me back on the path to quieten the mind".

Pushpa Mistry

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A Valuable Tool For The Ashtanga Practitioner

The Full Primary Series Asana A3 Poster

This is a beautiful poster with clearly photographed pictures of Shelley Osman practicing the

Full Ashtanga Primary Series, broken down in such a way that you can see every asana clearly with the names and correct sequence that each asana flows in, correct breathing is indicated.

Astanga Asana Poster
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These videos are not glamorous, they are not filmed in a tropical location, in designer yoga wear, on an expensive yoga mat, nor are they perfectly filmed. 


They are of a dedicated practitioner and teacher who wishes just to inspire others to learn this method. It is of Shelley Osman as she is, one filming take, inviting you to join her to learn the method in its pure form, not caring about the sales look. 

Shelley just wants to share with you, that's it!  These are for anyone really interested and serious about this method and style of yoga and maybe this very quiet teacher. 

It is for the everyday person, to show you that all is possible, whoever you are. 

Warning: There is not glitz and glamour here! 

You will feel like you are just in a class with Shelley Osman.

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Yoga provides great benefits, but only you know your own body and limits. Like any exercise, please consult your health care professional with any questions or concerns before starting any exercise program. When participating in any exercise or exercise video, there is the possibility of physical injury. Not all exercises in Shelley Osman's classes/ videos are suitable for all persons. The creator of The Connection Way ~ Shelley Osman Yoga videos/programs, classes, Ashtanga Asana Posters, marketing materials, and all accompanying materials are not liable for any injury, accident, or health impairment befalling and viewer of these videos/programs, or any individual utilizing the techniques suggested in these videos. Shelley Osman is not a licensed medical care provider and represents that she has no expertise in diagnosing, examining, or treating medical conditions of any kind, or in determining the effect of any specific exercise on a medical condition. Shelley Osman makes no representations or warranties with regards to the completeness of information on this website or any linked websites, classes, books, videos, apps, or other products represented herein

Copyright © 2020-2025 Shelley Osman ~ The Connection Way ® This website and it's contents are owned and operated by Shelley Osman ~ The Connection Way ®.  All rights reserved, reproduction of this site is expressly prohibited it may not be distributed or copied without written permission from Shelley Osman. All photographs and images are subject to copyright and are of ownership of Shelley Osman, if you would like permission to use any of these you must send your request in writing .

Website Design, Technical & Creation by Shelley Osman.  
Website Technical Design by Kate Jakszewicz

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