Shelley has always supported various charities throughout her life, encouraging all those close to her to support and raise money for people in need. You will see from the charity information below that there are many different charities and services that Shelley has arranged events and funding for.
Shelley often says that giving up of your time in service to others is a very important act of kindness.

"May we all do our best to live each moment we are blessed with, knowing that this life is a gift and you are the gift. May we be satisfied in this moment, rather than planning for the future or holding onto the past."
~ quote by Shelley Osman

"May we all do our best to live each moment we are blessed with, knowing that this life is a gift and you are the gift. May we be satisfied in this moment, rather than planning for the future or holding on to the past."
~ quote by Shelley Osman

Involvement In Other Charitable Work
Over The Years
2021 Shelley brought her community together by offering an online event and £690.00 was raised within one week to help support Shelley's dear student Ann Cummins as she transitioned from the physical. Shelley over these 3 weeks supported Ann and her daughter by speaking with them everyday (many times a day to Ann) and helped her to pass peacefully, all for free of charge.
2011 £300 were raised to help and support another of Shelley's students.
2008 - 2014 Shelley took part in the Homeless Chocolate Run event donating a van full of items and making mince pies for the Christmas shelter
2008 Shelley raised £380 to help one of her students during a brain tumour diagnosis and treatment/surgery
1998 - 1999 Shelley volunteered in the sheltered accommodation in Turnford, Broxbourne helping women experiencing domestic violence and hardship become more self-confident and calmer
1998 - 2003 Shelley organised various item donations for the Domestic Violence Shelter in Harlow, Essex.
Your donations enable Shelley’s teachings to spread and reach others who seek freedom and love.
Shelley offers free teachings in the way of audios and videos and spends many hours a week (60+) creating her videos that are available on her YouTube channel.
In order for this work to be sustained, we welcome any donation you can afford, even the smallest donations are truly appreciated and we are so grateful.
Any funds raised by donation will go towards funding this website, music for the YouTube videos, paper, ink, solicitors fees for protecting the work (trademark), equipment needed for live events, the creation of a future book of her teachings and poetry.
We offer our heartfelt gratitude to those of you who want to be of service in some way to our community and the greater community. Your generous donations of support will enable us to raise awareness and bring our service to others.
There are many ways in which you may wish to volunteer and we are so grateful to those of you who want to be of service in some way to this community and the greater community. Please get in touch or let us know if you are happy to volunteer your time in any way.
You do not need to be in the local area.