Two wonderful devoted students of Shelley's
who have been with her for many years.

... of two beautiful ladies who were right at the heart of our community.
They were ever so devoted to Shelley and her work, and they always shared just so much love, light and laughter with all who knew them.
Thank you Ann and Denise. You are forever in our hearts.



Ann Cummins
from Essex
1947 - 2020

A Few Words From Ann
I have known Shelley for 20 years. I knew she was different when I met her. I have always followed all her teachings and everything she has done. She has always been here for me.
Her healing cured my body many years ago. Her healing healed my heart and showed me how to love again. She inspires me to be calm, to remain positive. I love her. She makes me cry when I look at her or hear her voice tears just flow. I miss her not living here down South. She has helped many people. She is my teacher and I know she will help many of you.

Denise Horner
from Essex
1972 - 2018

A Few Words From Denise
I have been a disciple of Shelley's for many years. When I found her I was disconnected from the world and trying to fill a void. Love of course was the missing piece. I searched endlessly for something outside of myself to fill the emptiness. With the love and guidance from Shelley I have been shown the "Truth". When I sit in her presence, I feel and see beneath the surface of her appearance.
I have been challenged in so many ways. I want to run away but I always return as there is no running away from what I now know to be the 'reality' and 'is' ness of this life. For with her I feel the 'truth' as I believe it to be. I have faith in my 'teacher' and the wonderful presence that she has.
Come and sit with her and feel it for yourself if my words resonate with you? Are you ready to experience this? I have experienced the connection of my heart and my soul with the guidance from her.