Today I decided to go to an orchard close by to where I live. It's a lovely walk on the way there, all the trees are now shedding their leaves and the birds are perched on the branches stocking up on the last of the berries, and the sheep are huddled against the stone walls in their fields keeping warm from the harsh wind. I saw lots of lovely colours on the way there and lots of puddles for Alfie my dog, to get really mucky in. The orchard belongs to a lovely neighbour of mine who kindly lets me go and collect any fruit that has not yet been taken. Its a magical place and the backdrop is of The Lake District fells. It's so quiet and it brings you to a feeling of peace the moment you step into the orchard space. The floor was covered with lots of ruby read apples that the wind had gathered up and dropped, very handy for me as I am too short to reach the branches, thank you wind!
I had great fun collecting a bag full of apples and I have taken them home in order to make some cakes, jams and chutneys from them. I will post these recipes and how I get on in my future Cosy Cottage Days blog on here.
