I am the Seer
For I can see,
All that moves through me
With clarity
I embrace all that comes here
There is no fear.
I am the seer
At peace with the dark,
I meet it kindly
with my open heart.
I am able to travel this road lightly
With the heaviest of weight,
Journeying with it tenderly
I release it at the gate.
Taking the time to unravel
All that knocks upon this door.
The path I take is the one least travelled,
Yet, so much easier than the one before.
I tread this path respectfully,
Loving all that meets me,
upon this road.
I am free
I am The Seer
Written by Shelley Osman
Art work by Annie Hamman Art
Such a powerful poem . Thank you Shelley 💐
Beautiful xx