What They Say
As a student and friend of hers, I am pleased to share my deepest appreciation for Shelley and her work. I could not have hoped for a more gifted teacher.
My warmest regards

Gary Wetherill
Enlightened beings are rare in this world....
Shelley you are the embodiment of Love & compassion and your words and actions will continue to inspire.

Gary Robinson
'If your stumbling through life with boxes in your head that need to be opened, looked at and set aside, so they can no longer hold you down then Shelley is your guiding light. She will show you the way to happiness and contentment.'

Maureen Chadwick
I can honestly say I have never experienced anything like the effect your class had on me, and is still having.
Looking back on the evening, to sit and feel so relaxed and content, to have a mind which didn't wander and absolutely no thought of time is something I wouldn't have thought myself capable of.
Ann Cummins
I was overwhelmed with her quietness, kindness, the way she talked also the knowledge in one so young and from that day on I knew Shelley was such a special person and never wanted to loose her way of teaching, and from that day on I have followed Shelley. I have Distance Healing and telephone conversation and through this, plus family and friends support I’m able to keep strong.
Thank you Shelley and thank you family and friends, this had been difficult for me to write this here as people who know me know I do not broadcast it on Social Media, but I feel I needed to do this on Shelley’s page to tell you all about what Shelley teaches, thank you Shelley for always being there for us all.
"I have known Shelley for over 20 years, when Shelley first started her classes in Harlow I knew then there was something special about her. Shelley has helped me through many trials in my life and for that I am eternally grateful. Shelley had always known when I needed some reassurance as I will get a text out of the blue (thank you) our last meeting with everyone was much needed I feel so much calmer in my mind and body."

Some how a good few years ago, I found my way to Shelley, not knowing why. Every time I attend her gatherings I feel great love and peace. It's an experience I can't put into words.
At the last gathering and after I felt like I was floating and found the healing exercises beautiful. Since then I have dreamt that I am back in the healing group with Shelley, so I feel the healing carries on far more than I realized.
Thank you Shelley for the love and wisdom.

Julie Woodburn
Over the past 18 months I had tried tablets from the doctor, cognitive behavioural therapy and meditation. Non of which had any real effect.
Shelley I can only describe as a miracle worker. My spiritual healer. She has helped me to find peace within myself. Helped me to deal with issues I had locked away.
Shelley can and will help you with whatever your problem, you will feel this as soon as you meet her. She truly is an amazing woman.

My soul was broken, it was full of pain, I was confused and I basically did not want to live anymore. It is said that God works through people called angels and that they appear into our lives exactly when most needed. This is what happened when Shelley came into my life with her divine and healing power which helped me through distant connection. From the very moment the healing started, I felt a huge release in my heart, a boundless calm, Shelley planted the seed of unconditional love into my soul, and made me understand that in order to receive love, one must offer love in return, and also that one must love others with the same intensity with which one loves their own selves.
I thank her from my heart for her blessing, for the fact that she is in my life and for all the good that she has given me. Thank you so much Shelley
She has made me feel secure and comforted many times. I just can’t imagine my life without Shelley in it.
Time after time I have asked for Shelley’s help on many subjects and my wishes have always been honoured.
Shelley teaches you how to look at life in a different way, a way she calls ‘Truth’. A way in which things make more sense and that teach how you can live your life in total peace as she does.
I know that many others have also experienced and benefited from Shelley’s help. She is truly a beautiful and very special person and I am so very grateful to be lucky enough to have her in my life.
'I have just remembered again when we were in Waltham Cross and an old lady named Mrs Minton was hurt although I can’t remember how? You were adamant that we take her home and make sure she was ok and we did.

Kate Jakszewicz
Being with Shelley I best describe as the feeling I got as a child, when I would lay in front of my nan and grandad's fireplace, the warmth that would flow through me and would melt any worries I had, bringing me to a deep relaxed sense of all was ok. I always felt safe in front of that fire and this same feeling has continued over the years when with Shelley. The deep sense of peace I describe is with me when with her, when we speak over the phone and during our connection time.
Shelley guides me to see clearly when I have uncertainty, she guides me to pure joy and peace whenever I feel worried or overwhelmed with life. She brings me to true happiness.

Jo Sheehan Price
Connecting with Shelley has been a gift and one that was really needed. Shelley has been able to help me in so many ways that no one or nothing else could over the years. Having Shelleys guidance and healing has meant I have started to ‘live’ again and see clearly so much that I haven’t been able to make sense of for years. I can’t really put into words what an amazing soul Shelley is and how much she has helped but I will say that if anyone is lucky enough to connect and have her in their life then their lives will be enriched in so many ways. She is completely selfless and loving and the world needs more like her.

Helen Mullienuex
Two weeks after the healing session with Shelley in May it was time for the regular treatments to prevent my bladder cancer from returning. I have 3 treatments over three weeks. Each treatment usually leaves me uncomfortable and tired for two to three days and needing bed rest. This time after each treatment the discomfort was minimal and short-lived and I was hardly tired at all. I was able to go shopping, do some gentle gardening and enjoy the sunshine. Of course it made my husband happier too and he didn't have to run up and downstairs with my meals.
Denise Horner
I have been a disciple of Shelley's for many years. When I found her I was disconnected from the world and trying to fill a void. Love of course was the missing piece. I searched endlessly for something outside of myself to fill the emptiness. With the love and guidance from Shelley I have been shown the "Truth". When I sit in her presence, I feel and see beneath the surface of her appearance.
I have been challenged in so many ways. I want to run away but I always return as there is no running away from what I now know to be the 'reality' and 'is' ness of this life. For with her I feel the 'truth' as I believe it to be. I have faith in my 'teacher' and the wonderful presence that she has.
Come and sit with her and feel it for yourself if my words resonate with you? Are you ready to experience this? I have experienced the connection of my heart and my soul with the guidance from her.

Anca Nitulescu
Shelley has helped me see so clearly so many patterns about myself, such as ways in which I react to certain people or situations. Through being close to her I too have become more aware, trusting and connected to the greatest and most gentle power there is, which is that of true Love. A kind of love that requires nothing back, where there are no expectations, it simply and purely gives. It is never ending, there is no limitation to it. It is the Heart of God, and the essence of who we truly are. As Shelley once said towards the end of one of her classes just before Christmas last year, “if there is one thing I could give you, it would be the Gift of Freedom”. To me, this is truly the greatest gift there is, and I believe with all my heart that Shelley is here, on this Earth, to do just that: to give us the Gift of Freedom.

Emily Barker
From a very young age I have struggled massively with feeling down & battling with my own thoughts which I have found very difficult to handle & cope with.
Before Shelley, I saw 3 different people & I didn’t feel that I was getting the right guidance that I felt was right for me, but Shelley is completely different & someone that I connected with straight away. I heard about Shelley from 2 local ladies who are benefitting from Shelley’s teachings & guidance & that encouraged me to get in contact with Shelley.
The first time I went to see Shelley, I was going through a very difficult patch & I didn’t know what to do with myself. However, as soon as I met Shelley I felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders, and that was just from her presence! Her guidance is wonderful & will stick with me forever, whatever life throws at me. She has guided me through hard times, only to come out the other end even stronger, not to mention the miracles that have happened/still happening in my life along the way! Shelley is a truly amazing lady who I can fully connect with, feel secure & be understood, as well as having a laugh with!
I cannot recommend Shelley enough & I am forever grateful for her guidance & support. Thank you for all your love and kindness.

Bill Purcell
Shelley is an amazing person who has so much wisdom/understanding coupled with a depth of love/ caring that oozes from every pore in her body. It is my privilege to have her in my life. Since attending the meeting I have had such a complete sense of peace and calm that hasn’t been apparent for a very long time. I also find that I sleep more soundly/deeply and wake feeling refreshed and ready to face another day.
Thank you for all your love and kindness.
Joanne Marwood
A close friend of mine, told me to get in touch with Shelley, as she herself had been receiving guidance and healing through Shelley and she now has so much faith in her and felt Shelley could help me more than anyone else could.
I've had the most traumatic time, to the point I could not feel my body, my mind was in a very confused and dark place. I was in excruciating physical and mental pain. Lost in the world, my heart was broken, I had tried everything to no avail, nothing seemed to help me.
The first contact with Shelley was a phone call, when we spoke I felt my whole head mainly and body tingle like electricity running through my veins, she asked me if I could feel anything when we spoke, I felt kinda silly to say, so I got brave and said what I felt, laughing, thinking she'll think I'm crazy (haha) "There you go" she said, "I'VE GOT YOU", just those 3 words resonate with me to this day, so profoundly.

Joanna Maddams
From the first session of healing connection my bulimia disappeared and I felt free for the first time in 30 years of hurting myself everyday.
Shelley is an angel put on this earth to help people in need. She has changed my life for the better and has taken away all the pain. I had been depressed since the age of 14 and I am now 50. I will be eternally grateful to her. She is such a lovely person who is extremely wise and teaches you how to love yourself and others. My experience in the connections with her is amazing. I always feel an electric current going through my body but she is not even in the room.
I stay with Shelley as she is my light that guides me from the darkness.

Katrina Caddy-Spoto
I remember thinking how kind and sweet Shelley seemed. I felt I was having to hold back tears as she spoke, she spoke so open and honestly, she had a way of making everyone in the room feel held and present. Shelley has always allowed me a chance to stay close and learn from her. I am learning how to Love myself and others, kindness & who I really am.
Shelley’s teachings and presence has changed my life so much for the better, since meeting Shelley I now have a lovely big family of 4 of us! This is Something I never expected; this is because I see life differently now since hearing her beautiful teachings about life. During both my pregnancies, Shelley gave me healing and I listened to CD during labour, making pregnancy and labour so much more joyful. I knew after I first met her that she was a very special person and that she would have a very important role in my life, this role is my spiritual teacher. I often receive healing from Shelley through dreams as well as sacred home connections, I am so happy to have such a true teacher who through example, teaches us how to love, live and be happy and free!
You only have to look at how simple, peaceful and yet fulfilling her life is to know that she is what she teaches. xxx

Shelley was someone I had heard about from a friend who said she "thought there was something special about her that made you want to be with her and talk to her". I knew then I was destined to meet her. It was many months before our paths crossed and we spoke on the telephone before we met face to face. I instinctively knew I wanted to get to know her better. At this time I knew nothing about the wonderful work that Shelley does to help people through life's difficult journey.
I experienced through the Connections feelings both physical and psychological that I had never felt before, almost straight away there were signs and wonders that I truly believe are as a result of Connecting with Shelley.
I have complete faith and trust in the good work Shelley does, she is extraordinary, you feel you are around someone with amazing gifts when you are in her presence.
Terry Price
'I met Shelley when we were children, we were neighbours. We lost touch for many years as our families moved around but 6 years ago or so, I was fortunate to cross paths with her again. For the last couple of years we have maintained a basic level of contact and recently I reached out to Shelley for her guidance. Shelley was there on hand to help when I needed it and I cannot begin to describe the positive impact Shelley has had on me and my family - other than to describe events as miraculous.'

Zoe Spoto
I attended the recent gathering with Shelley and although it as my first time and first experience of satsang and sitting I was welcomed with warmth and love by the group and Shelley. It was comforting to feel like I really belonged there and I had made the right decision to come along. My worries and stresses gradually melted away and I began to feel more relaxed than I've felt for a long time. Everything Shelley talked about resonated deep within myself. Although for those not ready to receive the truth it would probably seem bizarre or met with ridicule. This is the way most discoveries or truths are met with by the masses at first. But if you are ready it feels less like a revelation or a new theory, hearing the truth somehow feels more like something you have always known, deep deep down, but Shelley's words, energy and light penetrate to that deeply buried truth and leave you without any doubt that it is absolute.

Claire Godfrey
I have known Shelley for quite a while, mainly in Essex when I would go to her Sitting weekly group, which i loved as Shelley completely opened my eyes, with the talks after.
I found myself recently in a black hole, i was struggling daily with the confusion, negative thoughts & low moods. I asked Shelley for healing, which she gave me immediately, I am so grateful for this gift, as it calmed my chattering mind & lifted me. Shelley is an amazing person full of love.

Rosa Leone-Harlock
I know a lot of people are sceptical but this lady is amazing! It truly helps. Shelley Osman.
If you are in need of healing of the body or heart, guidance. Please contact this special lady. It has helped me and a truly amazing experience.
Kirsty Watson
I met Shelley I think back around 2005, I found her website online, and was drawn to it, I was already practicing yoga but wanted to practice with a more traditional teacher. This is when Shelley was teaching from her house and I loved that it was a small class and I learnt so much. But it wasn't just the yoga practice it was Shelley's way of all knowing and I could feel the love and compassion from her throughout. Shortly after I started practicing with her I fell over and badly damaged my ankle so couldn't practice but she told me to come to her for some healing, which I did. I felt intense heat and cold going through my ankle and other parts of the body too and from walking in on crutches, when I left, I could then put weight on it.
I always find being in the presence of Shelley so calming and helpful with anything that I am feeling. Throughout the exercises (during an event) I experienced the feeling of love and support and a stillness within. When experiencing the healing circle I could feel a strong connection with everyone. Prior to this event I had been experiencing anxiety and had sprained my ankle. When Shelley came to me I felt a heat and what felt like a pull from my head, not a physical pull, but a release. I could also feel the heat from Shelley when she was either side of me. I was surprised to feel that my ankle felt somewhat better too bearing in mind I hadn't mentioned it at the time, it had been recovering very slowly before but a week on it feels so much better and nearly healed.
I am continuing with following Shelley's words, which are really helping when any anxiety arises. I always experience so much benefit from these events, keeping me calm and steady, and I am sure my family would agree that if I'm calm, the rest of the house is calm! They are truly a blessing.
I feel very blessed that she has been part of my life for so long.

Amanda Wetherrill
I have been to several gatherings during Shelley’s time in the Lake District. I feel Shelley’s presence as one with love, compassion and total understanding of “What is”. Shelley is there for anyone who wants to be shown the Truth, to help us remember who we truly are, and who we are not. Shelley helps us to let go of our conditioned beliefs and our continuous patterns that often lead to upset again and again.
The accommodation was just perfect! A typical Lakeland cottage with a huge log burner and plenty of room, and the most wonderful, lovingly prepared food was delivered to us by a local chef.
For anyone thinking of coming along to one of these retreats, I would say 'Don’t think too much about it! Just come along, and be prepared to be led to the Truth of what we are.' Shelley is always happy to talk privately to us on a personal level and I can’t thank her enough for helping me through some difficult times.

Abbie Ordway
Last Saturdays event was my first time meeting Shelley. I've been drawn more recently to healing and meditation & really keen to learn as much as I can. Shelley certainly provided that. She has such a deep understanding & her teaching is so clear & makes so much sense. Everything about the session felt calm and welcoming. Never pressured or intimidating.
When Shelley placed her hands on me I could feel the warmth and an amazing energy. I sensed light rushing into me. It was a gorgeous experience. When the afternoon had finished I felt a little 'high', my head was calm & clear. I felt genuine forgiveness to everyone that may have ever caused any pain to me. That evening this lovely connected feeling continued. The following day I'd wished I could do it all again and continue the learning.
I look forward to the next event and continuing my spiritual journey. Thankyou Shelley xx

Cat Gordon
This past 2 months I have been experiencing some frightening physical symptoms that had me fearing the worst. I instinctively knew I needed to see Shelley and when I saw her and she laid her hands on me, the experience really helped to relive my anxiety. She told me to trust that I was well and I tried, but struggled. I still sought out tests and fretted about all the outcomes.
During this time I went down to Essex for the healing event and, although it was a difficult time for me in many ways, the experience of that afternoon helped to remind me of all the things I had forgotten since I stopped sitting and had not been around Shelley for some time.
As time went on, I tried to heed her words. I took each day a moment at a time, sat every morning and sought her guidance when I felt I was struggling. She kept reminding me to trust that I was being looked after.
I had some investigations and was told they were all clear. I see now that I was in safe hands the whole time. She knew and remained steadfast, though it took me a long time to listen to her! I’m still learning, still trying to trust. It’s a long journey for me but I know that Shelley can help to show me the way.

Val Caddy
I was a little cautious about going to this gathering at first but as soon as the first session was over I knew this was going to be a life changing experience. For seekers of spiritual truth this is a true genuine teaching from the heart. I am grateful for the opportunity X

Jane Sarkodie-Gyamfi
Until the past few years I never imagined that in my life I would sit and experience unconditional love, wisdom and compassion in the intimacy of a small group. I always imagined I would need to travel far away, to India perhaps, to take part in a spiritual gathering like this, sharing the experience with maybe hundreds or thousands of others. But in a comfortable cottage we sat in candlelight, listening to Shelley as she tirelessly poured out for us the truth.
There was laughter, and tears, and sometimes the struggle to understand. Yet all the time I felt my heart opening to soak up the words, or the truth contained in the words. It's hard for me to express clearly what the past few days have meant to me, but this evening my overwhelming feeling is of gratitude, and amazement that the grace and blessing of this gathering was available to us. It's hard to put into words all that I felt and experienced during this gathering. At times I found it hard to believe I was really there, listening to the pure truth of Shelley's words, and experiencing the love of God, of the divine, the beloved.
It seemed to me as though there should be crowds and crowds of people, all thirsting for this wisdom, and hearing it, and it seemed utterly extraordinary that I was there, drinking it in. Words are inadequate, but all I have to share the precious realisations that are taking place. Thank you Shelley.

Sandra Chester
Shelley is a very special lady with a unique gift of
healing,compassion,love and empathy for people.
She is blessed with a very gentle,soothing,healing voice.
At first I didn’t feel any different during the healing sessions but within a month or so I experienced a huge shift in my energies and released a lot of negativity that I had held for most of my life. This built up into be a wide range of emotions.
I continue to release gradually and I am very grateful for Shelley’s guidance,support and healing.
I feel I have more energy and zest for life.
Love and blessings

Pushpa Mistry
I attended the recent gathering with Shelley and although it as my first time and first experience of satsang and sitting I was welcomed with warmth and love by the group and Shelley. It was comforting to feel like I really belonged there and I had made the right decision to come along.
My worries and stresses gradually melted away and I began to feel more relaxed than I've felt for a long time. Everything Shelley talked about resonated deep within myself. Although for those not ready to receive the truth it would probably seem bizarre or met with ridicule. This is the way most discoveries or truths are met with by the masses at first. But if you are ready it feels less like a revelation or a new theory, hearing the truth somehow feels more like something you have always known, deep deep down, but Shelley's words, energy and light penetrate to that deeply buried truth and leave you without any doubt that it is absolute.
Claire Fowler

The time with Shelley this past weekend had a significant effect on me. Being around Shelley helped me become more calm in the face of a significant amount of fear and worry.
During the event I came up against some difficult and troubling feelings and sensations but, guided by Shelley’s voice and presence, I began to feel them leave me.
At the start of the healing circle, I experienced a lot of energy and pressure on my mind. Being connected to so many people was overwhelming at first. However, as time passed I felt quieter, more connected. I could feel the presence of beings sharing positive and healing energy. When Shelley placed her hands on me I was infused with peace and trust.
That evening I felt quite sick and tired. Other things in my body changed after this day, which is helping me on my current journey.
Being with Shelley and being cared for by so many kind people this past weekend has made a significant impact upon me. I have been going through a tremendously difficult period of my life but the love that has been shared with me has given me strength and helped to quiet my mind.
Thank you Shelley. And much love to all.

My lovely mum was diagnosed with Lewy body dementia earlier this year. She suffered a fall which resulted in a major brain bleed and me and my old dad had to make some very quick decisions as to whether to save her life by operating whilst being told she may not pull through anyhow or let her pass. We took the risk and decided to have her operated on and within an hour and a half of arriving at hospital, mum was undergoing major brain surgery. I have never watched the hours tick by so slowly as I did that night, waiting to hear if she survived. Me and Dad thought in all honesty she wouldn’t pull through. Whilst she was in critical care recovering, they discovered she had also broken her hip and needed another operation, 5 days later she had a hip replacement and again survived.
The day after my mums brain surgery, I was sitting staring at my phone when out of the blue Shelley Osman contacted me to let me know there was to be a healing event coming up. I explained to Shelley what was going on and that life felt very unkind at the moment and I doubt I would be able to make it to the event. However I decided to grab the chance, the time was right and I was meant to be there. Shelley offered me distant healing prior to the event, I jumped at the chance. I’ve been connecting in the evening sessions and I can honestly say that I always feel a deep sense of peace and grounding during and after the healing. The craziness of my world just stops.
Mum was transferred to another hospital to be rehabilitated. 4 days after arriving we were told mum would never be able to be rehabilitated due to the dementia and her not being able to follow instructions. We was told to start looking for a care home as she would never be able to come home. To say we was devastated would be an understatement. After going through all of that we felt we was at the end and it had all been for nothing. Again I turned to Shelley who offered guidance and reassurance that I was to trust in her and it will be ok.
Mum was finally discharged back home to my Dad with an army of carers after a very long nearly 6 weeks. We will still have many challenges to face ahead but I know with Shelley’s guidance and unwavering faith we will be ok ( just like she always told me).
If you know of a person going through difficult times then I can’t recommend the healing enough, miracles do and can happen...my mum is proof of that.
Thanks for reading, Much Love Claire x