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Shelley's classes are tailored to suit complete beginners and for all levels

of yoga practitioner. 

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Ashtanga Yoga Mysore Self-Practice, a more energetic style of yoga.

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Thursday Night Class 7:00pm

A guided class with a combination of Hatha & Yin Yoga, guided meditation & beautiful healing relaxation.

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Shelley is an established, highly qualified and experienced local Yoga Teacher and practitioner in Cumbria.

Watch Shelley's demonstration of 2nd + 3rd Ashtanga Series to give you an idea of a persons level of advancement over many years of practice and from being fully devoted spiritually.

She is passionate about sharing Yoga as a sacred spiritual discipline that people practice with integrity and humility.

As a child Shelley was always interested in Spirituality and she started her Yoga practice in her teens.  Shelley was self taught for 20+ years and learnt Ashtanga Primary, Second and Third Series by consistently devoting hours every day to her practice 6 days a week and included other forms of yoga into her practice. After the many years of having no teacher she met Richard Freeman, a worldwide renowned teacher.

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Shelley was qualified by Richard Freeman and Brian Cooper and spent 18 months in Mysore, India, where she was blessed by Sharath Jois and Pattabhis Jois the main and only recognised school of the Ashtanga Yoga Tradition in the world. She is one of only a few blessed to be qualified with the  Level 2 Ashtanga qualification to teach this practice in the UK and all over the world.

It is very rare to find, but Shelley is one of the very few women who have reached this high standard in Ashtanga Yoga having devoted herself to many, many years to an established practice.

Shelley has known Richard Freeman for many years and spent 2 months in America practicing with him. She has also attended several of his workshops in the UK and Scotland.

Would you like to try a class?

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Richard, Brian, Sharatt

Shelley Has Studied Asthanga Yoga With Richard Freeman, Sharath Jois, Pattabhi Jois and Brian Cooper


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All the practices of yoga are designed to benefit the student, mind, body and soul, to lift the spirit, raise energy, reduce anxiety, strengthen the body, cleanse the body as all toxins become released and to make one feel more centered and at peace within their world and relieve them from the busyness and stresses of their day.

The way that Shelley teaches is not only thoroughly, giving guidance for every single posture to make one feel comfortable within their body and practice, she teaches competently after many years of teaching an established practice but she teaches spiritually connecting one not only with body, but with mind, soul, spirit and heart.

Her teachings tend to help students engage with their lives more fully and help them to answer the bigger question of life as well as helping students be guided with yoga techniques that help free the body of aches and pains and calm the mind of life’s daily strains.


Yoga Classes With Shelley Osman

Beginners are very welcome as Shelley is established and committed to adapting postures to suit every student's ability and needs. Through decades of teaching Shelley is competent at adjusting everybody to suit their body in each moment when they attend class with her. You may attend whichever class you feel suited to, you are welcome to try a class and then decide. 


Yoga For All Classes ~ Suitable For All
Held on Thursday evenings, in Lindale Village Hall, start time 7:00pm

An invigorating and calming Class combining the styles of Hatha & Yin Yoga.

Starting Thursday 12th September until Thursday 24th October 2024

7 Week Block


"It was funny that you mentioned last night that you had received some emails after last Thursday's class. I did indeed sleep soundly and did last night too. The Yin class has a strange trance like effect and I disconnect from rushing around though life. I very much value your expertise and knowledge. The skills you have are considerable!" ~ Gail Best (2018)


If you would like prices for drop in classes or to book a block of classes, please get in touch here

What to expect: A guided class, each week working on a slightly different sequence of Hatha and Yin postures with guided mediation and relaxation also offered in the class. These will evolve over time and suit all levels. This yoga class is designed to allow the mind to become quieter, to help restore and rejuvenate the student and to bring a sense of peace and feeling of centredness. Yin yoga targets the connective tissue and is like an overall body massage, bringing one to a feeling of contemplation and a sense of groundedness. often brings one to great contemplation about matters of the heart and life answering many questions about how students calm the mind, stretch the body, heal the body and mind and help one to deeply connect with the body compassionately and meditatively and to learn to breath correctly. Still challenging the body, it tones the body, helps the body to become more flexible and supple, working energetically on balancing the kidney, liver, gall bladder and urinary tracts and unblocking areas of the body that have become imbalanced. An energising, cleansing, healing style of yoga that goes deeply into the skeletal structure of the body to help with aches and pains and heal and prevent injuries as we hold several postures for set times. This yoga ends with a beautiful relaxation. It's an amazing style of yoga that Shelley has been teaching for many years. This class suits all levels and is especially for those who feel they'd like to have a calmer approach to yoga, yet still challenge their body in order to become more flexible and toned. Yin Yoga is the practice of long-held, deeply relaxing ‘stretching’ poses that unblock the energetic pathways of the body and enhance the organ systems, restoring joint mobility too. The technique also activates and gathers Prana (life force) and releases stuck emotional and physical trauma in the body. Most forms of yoga today are active practices, designed to work only half the body, the muscular half, 'yang' tissues. Yin yoga allows us to work the other half, the deeper 'yin' tissues of our joints, deep fascial networks, ligaments and bones.

Ashtanga Yoga ~ Mysore Self Practice
Held on Monday evenings in

Lindale Village Hall, start time 6:30pm

A More Energetic styl
e of Yoga.

Starting Monday 9th September until 21st October 2024

7 Week Block

If you would like prices for drop in classes or to book a block of classes, please get in touch here

What to expect: Mysore Self Practice is the traditional way in which the practice of Ashtanga Yoga is taught. Any person, any age and any level can start and do this practice. A flowing practice where breath guides the posture and guides the body and where a set sequence of yoga postures are given by the teacher and memorised by the student, each student moves through the sequence at their own pace. Individual instruction is given by the teacher as and when needed. The sequence of postures and correct breathing will be encouraged by the teacher to be followed in a very specific way. The sequence is taught to you individually within a group/class setting and postures are added on slowly to allow you to develop greater flexibility, strength, concentration and focus while sweating helps detoxify your body and you connect fully to the mind and body. Each posture builds on the ones that follow and if the student shows confidence, ease and steadiness in each posture then the student will be gently moved on to the next posture and so on. You will be taught from the very beginning and the teacher will not move you on until she is sure that you have fully understood the postures you have been given and that you are also emotionally ready to move on. The teacher moves around the class keeping a watchful eye, instructing, guiding, encouraging, adjusting and helping. A beginner will naturally be given more instruction than an advanced practitioner but both practice in the same class. Don't worry if you have never practiced Ashtanga Yoga before, just come along, watch and try a class, as the best way to understand this practice is to experience it. In a self practice class, you are not copying a teacher at the front of a class, like in the majority of other yoga classes, so there is no need for you to 'keep up' with the teacher or the other students in the class.



…please fill out this health questionnaire before you come along or join a class (you only need to complete this once) and read the terms and conditions.

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‘Whether young, old or very sick or debilitated, one who is vigilant attains success in all the Yogas, by means of practice’. Hatha Yoga Pradipika. I:64

Over many years Shelley has organised and taught an array of yoga workshops for all different styles of yoga such as Yin Yoga, Hatha, Ashtanga Flow/ Dynamic Yoga. Shelley also created two of her own styles called Embodied Yoga and Yoga For All.

Shelley is also an avid yin yoga practitioner, which she practiced alongside Ashtanga yoga for over 23+ years to give a balance for which she felt was the yin and the yang of her yoga practice.

Shelley has taught many, many workshops across the country on different styles of yoga, asana adjusting, chanting, spirituality, yoga philosophy, healing, yoga for women, anxiety, relaxation, meditation and breathing.

Please remember, that Yoga should be practised consistently, at least once a week under experienced guidance. Some students attend classes twice a week, which is fantastic!

Yoga is an important part of life and assists greatly with our well being. It should be something that one commits to and should be a priority if one is to reap the benefits from one of the oldest healing & spiritual disciplines.   

Image by Léonard Cotte

‘Yoga is about steadiness with in the constant flow of all things'

~ Shelley Osman

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Shelley was asked by Brian Cooper (after only meeting him twice) to be in his book 'The Art of Adjusting', published in 2006. 


Here you will find pictures of Shelley in his worldwide famous book which was the first of it's kind.  

Practice Ashtanga Yoga

At Home With Shelley

Shelley has created

The Full Ashtanga Primary

Series & Guidance as MP4 downloads to enable you to practice at home and keep forever.

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To Help You With Your Practice

She created a beautifully designed Asana poster for you to refer to while you practice 


Deep Rest 

Shelley has been teaching Yoga Nidra for many years (way before it became popular) and is fully qualified in Yoga Nidra.  Shelley created the term 'Deep Rest', which is a beautiful form of Healing whilst using a combination of several methods and techniques of yoga Nidra and Relaxation. In 2014 Shelley created her Deep Rest CD


Yoga provides great benefits, but only you know your own body and limits. Like any exercise, please consult your health care professional with any questions or concerns before starting any exercise program. When participating in any exercise or exercise video, there is the possibility of physical injury. Not all exercises in Shelley Osman's classes/ videos are suitable for all persons. The creator of The Connection Way ~ Shelley Osman Yoga videos/programs, classes, Ashtanga Asana Posters, marketing materials, and all accompanying materials are not liable for any injury, accident, or health impairment befalling and viewer of these videos/programs, or any individual utilizing the techniques suggested in these videos. Shelley Osman is not a licensed medical care provider and represents that she has no expertise in diagnosing, examining, or treating medical conditions of any kind, or in determining the effect of any specific exercise on a medical condition. Shelley Osman makes no representations or warranties with regards to the completeness of information on this website or any linked websites, classes, books, videos, apps, or other products represented herein

Follow Shelley


Copyright © 2020-2024 Shelley Osman ~ The Connection Way ® This website and it's contents are owned and operated by Shelley Osman ~ The Connection Way ®.  All rights reserved, reproduction of this site is expressly prohibited it may not be distributed or copied without written permission from Shelley Osman. All photographs and images are subject to copyright and are of ownership of Shelley Osman, if you would like permission to use any of these you must send your request in writing .

Website Design, Technical & Creation by Shelley Osman.  
Website Technical Design by Kate Jakszewicz

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